Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Leipzig: History, Radicals and Wealth

Leipzig, city of 500,000 in Saxony, Germany.
City in transition. One of the great, historic cities
of Eastern Germany, socialist urban planning
could not erase. So many buildings of the early
1900s, containers of social history. Wars, poverty,
or just personal fortunes and tragedies.
People of these days long gone. Rewind the time to
experience life in the early days of the last century.
As long as there are buildings to see, to touch, to smell,
there is a base for imagination.
Many houses dilapidated, waiting. Some to be
manicured to fit into new urban economies,
some without any chance. The city,
like so many other urban areas of the East, lost
big shares of population to new burbs and the West.
But this is a great city, and it's balancing German
historic identity. (More pics to follow)